If you get a LicenseException error after S4S has been running for some time then it will almost certainly be because:
- The Salesforce Edition has been changed from its previous version e.g. upgraded to Unlimited Edition.
- The IIS Binding Name on the S4S server has been changed. The new name has not been licensed (this only applies if you have an S4S Basic license)
- A licensed Salesforce Sandbox has been refreshed (later versions of S4S do not require Sandbox licensing).
S4S will operate unlicensed against a Salesforce.com Sandbox or Developer Edition for the following durations:
- Before S4S Release 1.5.2013.2: One year
- S4S Release 1.5.2013.2 or later: 10 years
With these non-production editions, you can look at the Sitecore log file (in the data\logs\ folder) to determine how many days are remaining on the current license. Search for the "Number of evaluation days left" entry.
If you have any issue with licensing please send us the log file (with DEBUG logging in web.config turned on). The log file tells us your version and why the licensing failed.
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