When submitting a ticket please supply the following information:
- Description of the issue and steps to reproduce
- Screenshot or details of the error message
- The version of the product
- Any logs that show the error in detail
IMPORTANT: We usually ask for the logs so providing these when creating the ticket will save time.
S4S Support
As above, we usually ask for the Sitecore DEBUG logs. To save time, please provide these when creating a ticket. Viewing the logs may also help solve the problem without needing our support.
You need to turn on DEBUG logging by setting the logging level. Go to the log4net section of Web.config (or Sitecore.config) and change the priority value to "DEBUG". Recreate the error and check the error is captured in the log file. Log files are usually located in the \data\logs folder of the Sitecore website.
Alternatively S4S provides a separate logging configuration file which should be located at:
Rename this file to remove the '.disabled' extension. By default it creates a separate file for S4S debug logging, see the config for more information.
IMPORTANT: Changing a config will cause the website to restart. Remember to change the logging back after you have finished (otherwise website performance is impacted).
Please provide the following when submitting a ticket:
- Description of the issue and steps to reproduce
- Screenshot or details of the Stack Trace if available
- The version of FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.dll you are using (right-click the file and view properties)
- The Sitecore log file (or excerpt) showing DEBUG logging
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