Please use the following severity definitions as a guideline when determining the priority of your support request:
P1 (critical priority): Means entire site is unavailable or a function on the site is unavailable that is affecting most, if not all users. No workaround is available. Example: The server or application is down. If raised in normal support hours (8 am – 5 pm NZST Monday to Friday, excluding New Zealand Public Holidays and Nelson Anniversary Day), problems will be worked on a 24/7 basis until resolved. A customer contact must be assigned and be available on a 24/7 basis to assess alternative solutions and verify the problem resolution. If raised outside the support hours no action will be taken until the next business morning. A supplementary billing rate may apply to P1 work.
P2 (high priority): This means a substantial part of the site is affected or outage/problem is affecting many users. Example: A significant functional component is down or has a debilitating bug. Problems will be handled with urgency during regular local business hours. A supplementary billing rate may apply to P2 work.
P3 (regular priority): This means there is a defect that is affecting the site but is not causing great stress. A fix is desired in a timely manner during normal business hours. Example: Users see overlapping images on a page of the website.
P4 - P5 (low priority): Enhancements. Additions or changes to functionality with resolution within normal business hours.
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